Helle Rootzén, Professor and head of learnT DTU, DTU Compute, Statistics and Data Analysis, Technical University of Denmark
Professor in Learning Technology and Digitalization at the Technical University of Denmark. Head of learnT DTU – Centre for Digital Learning Technology. Has Been head of DTU Compute from 2010-2015. Are working on learning technology, learning analytics, evidence in learning, learning objects, e-learning, and student based learning. Likes to look into the exponential future, leadership, statistics, big data, and diversity. Is member of the IT advisory group set up by the Danish Minister of Education Merete Risager, and member of ATV – Danish Academy of Tecnical Sciences.
A!OLE Forum is a series of open events organised by Aalto Online Learning project. The talks in the A!OLE Forum are 30 min, followed by 30 min discussion. Before the talk, coffee & snacks are served from 10:30 to 11:00.