This page will keep you in the loop about what is going on in Aalto Online Learning. Be it a recently held conference keynote or an upcoming Call for Idea Proposals, you will hear about it here. Every now and then we might appear in other media outlets as well, and we will make sure to tell you about it on this page. In addition, we will occasionally reflect on what we have learned about online learning along the way.
The latest news from Aalto Online Learning

Lifewide learning event for faculty and staff

Online Hybrid Lab – A new mode of operation for Aalto Online Learning

Serious Games to Supplement Asynchronous Lessons wins our Engaging Virtual Learning Challenge

Unite! students, win a trip to Barcelona and tickets for the AI and Music Festival

Four new cloud reachers episodes

Happy Easter wishes from the Aalto Online Learning core team!

Aalto Online Learning mentioned in Teaching and Learning Evaluation Exercise – TEE 2020: Project Report

Philia, the winner of our Learning with AI challenge nominated as a finalist!

Understanding how educational content should be designed for VR

2020 Video Production in Review

Social design in rapid digital transformation

Five new podcast episodes on the air

New short video series on Educational Video Production

Cloud Reachers Podcast Season 3 Airing

Thank you for 5 years of Aalto Online Learning with you!

Advancing digital learning: a recap of the last five years

Talk at U-Create 2020: Learning about information visualisation via exploring and creativity

Philia wins our Learning with AI DigiEduHack2020 challenge

An invited talk on Fostering an Entrepreneurial Culture via Digital and On-Campus Learning

Insights into creating a successful online course: an interview with David Derichs and Natasha Sjöblom

Join our “Aalto Online Learning community” Microsoft Teams channel

Impressions from our first community fireside chat

Research Assistant Position In Climate.Now Aalto Online Learning Project

New article “Designing Games as Playable Concepts: Five Design Values for Tiny Embedded Educational Games”

Building a virtual UNITE! campus for joint activities of seven European Universities

Learning with AI Challenge at DigiEduHack 2020

Aalto Online Learning kickstarted to share showcases via Instagram

Name competition for a mobile app launched!

New videos published after 23 September at need to be captioned

New article about Aalto Online Learning

Job Opening: WordPress Developer for an Online Course

Interview: Podcasts bring variety to teaching

Practices and tips for remote teaching and online learning

Sharing about Aalto Online Learning at The Versatilist podcast

Games Now! open lecture series is coming back in September

Master’s thesis worker Salla-Mari Saanio joins the team to study online learning strategies!

Interview to a Danish webinar about online-based entrepreneurship education

EUNIS Dørup E-learning Award for Tomi Kauppinen, Yulia Guseva and Sara Gottschalk

A pilot story: How to turn Master’s thesis work anxiety (and chaos) into a meaningful step-by-step project

Playable Concepts – initiating tiny embedded educational games

Full 10 episodes of the Cloud Reachers podcast Season 2 on the air!

What You Should Know About Monthly Studio Days

Online Learning is Trending

How Aalto Online Learning Has Widened Our Horizons

About Learning Experience Design and how creating learning experiences elevates your teaching and impacts your students

MA Thesis Journey Project

What does it take to produce an online course: interview with Håkan Mitts and Lidia Borisova

Reaching a wider audience with entrepreneurial skills via online learning

Cloud Reachers podcast S02E05 with Laura Sivula on the air

Cloud Reachers S02E04 with Jana Pejoska now on the air

Cloud Reachers podcast S02E03 with Sabba N. Quidwai

Cloud Reachers Podcast Extra on Asynchronous vs. Synchronous Teaching (15 mins)

Dispelling misconceptions about online learning

Cloud Reachers podcast S02E02 with Isabell Fries as a guest

How To Make Zoom Sessions Interactive

Enabling learning and teaching online in challenging times

Invited talk: Experiences from Aalto Online Learning at Climate Education seminar

Meet the Aalto Online Learning team!

Spring 2020 Call for Idea Proposals Now Open!

Introducing Aalto Online Learning Video Production Possibilities

Aalto Online Learning ensures that pilots develop necessary skills for video production during Video Training Week

Sprint to Success podcast visited by Tomi Kauppinen: “How We Shape Our World Through Stories: The Role of Information Visualization “

Invited talk Visual-spatial thinking in learning in Lund, Sweden

PLAYAR competing among 10 DigiEduHack finalists

Cloud Reachers podcast full Season 1 with 10 episodes released

Invited talk on Digital Learning Spaces – Tomorrow and Beyond in Bergen, Norway

Tomi Kauppinen gave a keynote at Tag der Lehre 2019 in Essen

Hosting a challenge at DigiEduHack 2020

Aalto Online Learning nominated for Hacking Higher Education finals!

Aalto Junior Escape Room – pilot development with critical users

Join our challenge at DigiEduHack on October 3rd

Spring 2019 recap

Aalto Online Learning ensures high quality online learning materials for the Brazil-Finland Cultural Center

Autumn 2019 Call for Idea Proposals for year 2020 now open!

Aalto students are having their say on the strategy of Aalto University

Learning@Aalto Assessment for lifelong learning

Tomi Kauppinen joined as a guest for Hej Framtid podcast

Next Call for Idea Proposals round coming soon!

Representation in the panel at the Spring Forum of Design 2019 (Muotoilun kevätfoorumi 2019)

Video production support

Kick-starting our 2019 pilots

Visitors from Japan

Creating visual material – Basic principles of design

Spring 2019 Call for Idea Proposals now open!

Aalto Online Learning joined an international delegation to visit universities in Baden-Württemberg

Introducing our 2019 pilots

Keynote about augmented learning by Tomi Kauppinen at the Brave New Learning conference in Amsterdam

Welcome to our new website!

Spring 2019 Call for Idea Proposals coming soon!

First impressions from the Learning@Aalto Gala 2018

Tomi Kauppinen to give an invited talk at 3. Conference on Digital Learning Technology

Tomi Kauppinen gave an invited talk on How online learning is transforming the activities of universities in Milano Graduate School of Business

Call for Idea Proposals by October 18th, 2018 (extended)

Invited keynote “Learning in the era of online everything” for KiVAKO-project

Tomi Kauppinen invited to facilitate workshops on online classes and online labs for BEST

A!OLE pilot has been nominated for the 2017 Innovation Award by IPR University

Augmented Reality Tour of Otaniemi Campus

Invited keynote “Around the world with online learning” for DIGIJOUJOU

The AYY Learning Contribution Achievement Award to Tomi Kauppinen and Lauri Malmi

Record number of students register for Finnish MOOC course

Call for Idea Proposals on Online/blended Learning, dl October 11th, 2017

Representation in panel in EXPERTISE: Learning, alumn seminar at women’s day

Associative nature of conference participation