
Online Hybrid Lab – A new mode of operation for Aalto Online Learning

Aalto Online Learning
Online Hybrid Lab – A new mode of operation for Aalto Online Learning

We are happy to announce the launch of Online Hybrid Lab – a new mode of operation for Aalto Online Learning at Aalto University. Building on the strategic educational development activities from 2016 to 2021 resulting in 300 pilots to create and improve courses with online learning approaches and a community of around 500 people at Online Hybrid Lab since January 2022 we design, test, and promote production models and best practices in the field of online learning.

Online Hybrid Lab is a collective of professionals, scientists and educators who design and help to implement production models to boost blended teaching and learning experiences at Aalto University. We offer help with MOOCs development, video production of educational content, 360° / VR environment production and educational games.

Visit our new online space & read more …