
Cloud Reachers podcast S02E02 with Isabell Fries as a guest

Aalto Online Learning
Cloud Reachers podcast had Isabell Fries as a guest

Cloud Reachers Podcast S02E02 was hosted by Tomi Kauppinen, and had Isabell Fries as a guest. Listen the episode online (40min) via SoundCloud.

Isabell Fries is a communications expert and Deputy Spokeswoman of CSU in Munich, and a moderator and speaker. After having graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Politics and Economics from Zeppelin University in 2017 with semesters abroad in Odense and Brussels she finished her MSc at Copenhagen Business School in 2019. Due to her expertise in future skills she got invited to the University of Cambridge’s Institute for Manufacturing. As a member of Darwin College she researched about uniquely human abilities, future skills and the future of work. Having experienced best of both worlds: the innovative Nordic as well as the traditional Cambridge view on education, Isabell wants to share her insights and solutions how the educational system needs to be rethought. Isabell asks herself: what are future trends and what are the challenges in tackling them?