Author: Tomi Kauppinen
It was a great pleasure to represent with Aalto Online Learning, and Aalto University as a member of an international delegation to visit late January 2019 nine different universities and events in Baden-Württemberg.
The fascinating program included, for instance:
Tuesday: Welcome and introduction to Baden-Württemberg with regional universities and museums welcome by bw-i, presentation about Baden-Württemberg and digitization in education – presentation about art universities and museums in Baden-Württemberg, followed by a visit at IWM, Leibniz-Institut für Wissensmedien.
Wednesday: Visit of DHBW Karlsruhe with a presentation of the concept of DHBW (Cooperative state university Baden- Württemberg), project presentation about the Moby Dig.We then and an intensive program at LEARNTEC fair:
- Impulse “Current trends in digital education” Prof. Dr. Peter A. Henning, LEARNTEC Congress Committee.
- VIP tour of the LEARNTEC
- Workshop of ideas digitization in education
- I also gave a talk on Aalto Online Learning
Thursday: Workshop at the University of Mannheim on Learning Analytics, and later the Media Night at the Hochschule der Medien Stuttgart.