Pilot case

“Put Your Head on a Blockchain”

Strategies for Employing Emergent Technologies for Business and Society.
Orange and yellow colored sunset photographed from the beach

Pilot leader

Liisa Välikangas
Teppo Vesikukka


School of Business


30-50 students




Emerging technologies are like block chains. What are they good for? Am I too late in adopting the technology? What are its disruptive implications?  – Articulate a point-of-view and experiment with application ideas. Engage in critical discussion about business and societal implications. And finally, present your point-of-view to stakeholder audiences. These questions are explored using various digital technologies. More on the specific pilots soon (token economy, digital learning book…)

As part of the kick-off of the course, we are currently developing a game, a playful way of interacting on emergent technologies, starting with generative questions and asking further questions. The students will move to an online platform to continue the generation of points of view, then form teams around convergent issues and move to work in project teams around a set of questions that will guide their project work. The idea is to develop a concrete project around an emergent technology/business phenomenon.

We are also developing an online instruction manual which captures the pilots (e.g. the game, the starting questions, and the process). This manual, or a digital book, can then be used for further development of the course, shared with others, and potentially made open for others to contribute also based on their experience with the gameful learning.

Platforms and tools


Involved courses

21E00038 – “Put Your Head on a Blockchain” – Strategies for Employing Emergent Technologies for Business and Society (6 ECTS)


Liisa Välikangas
School of Business, Department of Management
Pilot leader

Teppo Vesikukka
Helsinki University of Arts
Pilot leader

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