The online textbook will be a website consisting of text, photos and technical drawings. The goal is to create online learning material, which includes information on different fibres and yarn materials, technical information on woven fabric structures and their properties.
Platforms and tools
Pedagogical methods
The idea is to create visually beautiful content, where the information is organised clearly so that the students and teachers can find different topics easily. The site will be behind a password and the website link can be placed anywhere, MyCourses or other websites.
Involved courses
MUO-C1037 – Kudotut kankaat – materiaali ja rakenne, ryhmä A (4 ECTS)
MUO-C1037 – Kudotut kankaat – materiaali ja rakenne, ryhmä B (4 ECTS)
MUO-E1046 – Woven Fabrics Studio (4 ECTS)
MUO-C1022 – Kudottujen kankaiden suunnittelu (4 ECTS)
Supportive learning material for:
- MUO-C1038 Textile Collection, Processes and Finishings (BA)
- MUO-E1037 Advanced Woven Fabrics and Jacquard Workshop (MA)
Maarit Salolainen
School of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of Design
Pilot leader
Tiina Paavilainen
School of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of Design
Project worker