At the core of this pilot is the development and use of blended learning, where on-line learning is ingrained into hands -on learning in multidisciplinary projects and experimentation in the laboratory. The pilot will be built by utilizing two courses in the curriculum; CHEM-E3225 Cell and Tissue Engineering and KON-C3003 Mechatronics exercises. During 2017-2018 elements from ELEC, SCI, ARTS and BIZ can be added.
The goals are to
- Enable students to be co-creators of their own learning, developing dicisplinary and multidiciplinary knowledge and skills,
- Find/develop and test tools that support
- teaming up and project management in multidiciplinary environment
- team instruction
- continuous assessment of skills (including self and peer assessment)
- reflective learning
- online multiform documentation
- Create a library of biology – mechatronics projects work to enable teachers to use these as materials in ongoing and new courses
- Implement pioneering education according to Aalto strategy and development of teaching within the Aalto Health and Wellbeing platform
Involved courses
KON-C3003 – Mechatronics exercises (5 ECTS)
CHEM-E3225 – Cell and Tissue Engineering (5 ECTS)
Links & Materials
- original project plan pdf presentation (2015 fall)Aole Blended learning pilot Nordström Kiviluoma .pdf
- original project plan (submitted august 2015)Biology Meets Mechatronics luonnos 1 .pdf
- presentation 8.3.2016 Esitys 8.3.2016 Biology meets mechatronics.pdf
- presentation 1.6.2016 Anton Vanamo M.Sc. thesis plan Biology meets mechatronics -projektiaihio.pdf
- A video presenting the prototype bioreactor: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4RD0h7g56-4MUZvVFhnbzJvSDg/view?usp=sharing
- Tommi’s and Panu’s stand slides showing done blended learning in a laboratory course and plans for a project and learning management system in Make it Digital event at 18.8.2016 makeitdigitaltv.pdf
- Preliminary results from the tested online methods for student projects preliminary_results.pdf
Katrina Nordström
Department of Biotechnology and Chemical Technology
Pilot leader
Panu Kiviluoma
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Pilot leader
Tommi Lintilä