During 2017 the pilot focused on further improving the online material of the TIM-based courses mentioned above, along with technical improvements on the TIM system. The main achievements were:
- Piloting TIM as an online exam platform in C programming course
- Integrating with the Haka Single Sign-On system that allows Aalto login, and login from various other universities taking part in Haka federation
- Improved course material and exercises for the above three courses
- Statistics collection on TIM courses (e.g. response times, average number of attempts, exercise feedback)
- Better integration between the original JYU development tree and Aalto development features
Platforms and tools
TIM online exam platform
Involved courses
ELEC-A7100 – C-ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi (5 ECTS)
ELEC-A7150 – C++ Programming (5 ECTS)
ELEC-C7241 – Tietokoneverkot (5 ECTS)
ELEC-A7200 – Signaalit ja Järjestelmät (5 ECTS)
Links & Materials
Some examples of statistics collected during the C++ course:
Pasi Sarolahti
School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Communications and Networking
Pilot leader