The materials and examples we currently have on this course need to be updated and further developed to better support the students when they prepare their Lectio Praecursoria and get ready for the debate during the doctoral defence, and present themselves confidently as academic scholars.
We will create online materials to support students in the planning and preparation of their doctoral defence.
Target students are doctoral students from all Aalto schools who are close to defending their doctoral dissertations and will present their Lectio Praecursoria in English. We work on communication skills in a broad sense to support students as they graduate from their doctoral studies, including language, delivery, and establishing a professional academic mindset.
Platforms and tools
MyCourses and compatible software e.g. Panopto.
Pedagogical methods
Students will use the online materials independently to prepare for synchronous teaching events and to complete their assignments.
Involved courses
LC-1335 – Preparing for the Doctoral Defence (1 ECTS)
The course is intended for doctoral students who are preparing for the public examination of their doctoral dissertation. It is recommended that the course be taken at least one month or more before the planned date of defence. Participants are expected to submit a needs analysis and an abstract of their dissertation before the beginning of the course. Participants are also encouraged to attend a doctoral defence to acquaint themselves with the process prior to the course.
Heli Dahlin
Language Centre
Pilot leader
John Weston
Language Centre
Pilot leader