Pilot case

Joint Pilot for Programming

Developing new interactive automatically assessed exercises and assignments for programming courses.
Joint Pilot for Programming

Pilot leader

Ari Korhonen


School of Chemical Engineering, School of Science


1034 students


May 2016 – Jan 2017


This is a joint pilot for programming courses to develop new interactive automatically assessed exercises and assignments as well as tools for various needs in programming related courses. We aim at agile learning material production, flexible maintenance and updates, collecting learning analytics data, monitoring study paths, etc. This is an ongoing process that also try to disseminate best practices to all computer science and programming courses. In addition, we develop the current infrastructure in order to consolidate the aforementioned processes, removing overlaps, enhancing feedback and usability for students, producing new visualizations and animations, and creating new automatically assessed exercises for Python, Scala, Matlab, SQL, etc., but avoiding platform and vendor lock ups (the same course materials can be utilized in different platforms).

Platforms and tools

  • CodeRunner plugin for Moodle (MyCourses)
  • A+ Developed further to support Domain Specific Languages
  • Moodle (MyCourses) plugin that replicates A+ functionality

Involved courses

CS-A1130 – Tietotekniikka sovelluksissa (5 ECTS)
CHEM-CV – Ohjelmointia kemiantekniikan kandidaattiohjelman opiskelijoille (new course, pilot run) (3.6 ECTS)
CS-A1111 – Ohjelmoinnin peruskurssi Y1 (5 ECTS)
CS-E3190 – Principles of Algorithmic Techniques (5 ECTS)
CS Courses in A+


Ari Korhonen
School of Science, Department of Computer Science
Pilot leader

Antti Karttunen
School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry

Juhani Teeriniemi
School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Chemistry

Tomi Janhunen
School of Science, Department of Computer Science

Juha Sorva
School of Science, Department of Computer Science

Aliisa Pietilä
School of Science, Department of Computer Science

Markku Riekkinen
School of Science, Department of Computer Science

Tommi Junttila
School of Science, Department of Computer Science

Otto Seppälä
School of Science, Department of Computer Science

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