We are working on further developing learning material and activities for an online oral skills course, LC-1120 Online Persuasive Presentations, already piloted last year. Our primary focus is on improving interactivity and multimodality in student assignments using mainly the tools in MyCourses as well as other possible software. Other foci include generating learning material employing authentic examples of engineering-related presentations, and more streamlined methods of self-evaluation and reflection for students.
Platforms and tools
Our platform is MyCourses, but we are currently using:
- Adobe Acrobat Pro for maintaining and creating fillable forms for tasks, such as self-evaluation tasks
- Adobe Premium or Panopto for video materials: editing them as well as creating them
Pedagogical methods
We are looking for ways to use online tools for video-based learning materials to provide a more student-centred and engaging online environment. These tools may also enable activities that simulate actual communicative situations, creating a more fun and less stressful practice environments. We are also interested in experimenting with tools for dynamic feedback and synchronous online interaction.
Involved courses
LC-1120 – Online Persuasive Presentations for Engineers (1 ECTS)
Nanna Qvist
Language Centre
Pilot leader
Anya Siddiqi
Language Centre
Pilot leader