Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become a central element of Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) related teaching and practice. BIM refers to product data models, which include information-rich 3D representation and visualization of the physical world in the virtual world. BIM tools have become a knowledge resource that not only require teaching and learning in terms of their efficient use, but BIM tools can also become a good source of interactive learning about the core domain area (e.g. architecture, civil engineering, mechanical services, etc). However, effective teaching and learning in the context of BIM and core domain knowledge remains a critical gap. We address this gap.
Our research opens up new directions for learning technologies in AEC by investigating the effects of combining three complementary and potentially transformative technologies: (1) interactive 3D ebooks, (2) BIM technologies (digital/ product modeling), and (3) Semantic web (linked data) technologies (information and knowledge management).
Our aims and practical goals are:
1. Develop and implement of an online interactive learning platform that integrates the information and knowledge about AEC captured in BIM tools, with the information and knowledge encoded in textbooks.
2. Using InBookMode as the media through which the knowledge encoded in BIM applications can explain the concepts in AEC/FM domain via direct interaction with 3D models and related digital information.
3. Combine the interactivity and usability of ebooks with BIM applications .
4. Connect the developed platform (InBookMode) with learning assessment tools to be able to monitor and guide the progress of students using InBookMode.
5. Create the basis for a long-term goal of creating a digital repository of interactive BIM case studies (using InBookMode as authoring tool)
Involved courses
RAK-C3003 – Tietoyhdennetty rakentaminen (Undergraduate Course: Building Information Modeling in Construction Management) (5 ECTS)
CIV-E2010 – Building Information Modelling in Construction (5 ECTS)
RAK-C3002 – Project Course on Computational Methods in Engineering (5 ECTS)
Links & Materials
Sunil Suwal has started developing a BIM model for Dipoli building (snapshots shown in Figures 2 & 3), which we intend to use as one of the first cases to develop content for InBookMode. An existing document available in public domain on Dipoli will be interactively connected to the building elements and spaces of the Dipoli building

Figure 2: Plan view of Dipoli case model under development

Figure 3: 3D view of Dipoli case model under development
Saeid Khorsand is developing a text editor connection with BIM models via open source platform BIMServer (https://github.com/opensourceBIM). A snapshot of the current state of integration is shown Figure 4:

Figure 4: Screenshot of text editor integration with BIMServer (Prototype in development)
Xi Liu is developing BIM connection with QR codes, AR, and BIM. He is also working on the Visual Programming interface with Dynamo. These functionalities will be integrated into the InBookMode. A snapshot of current developments is shown here:

Figure 5: AR integration via QR code

Figure6: CRUD functions in BIM model via Dynamo
PhD Student Mehmet Yalcinkaya has developed VisuaLynk paltform for facilities management and data integration. We also aim to connect VisuaLynk’s educational version to the InBookMode for enhanced user interaction. While the VisuaLynk project was developed outside the pilot, it will be connected with pilot aiming to make the Aalto Campus as a living learning environment in the long run. A video of the VisuaLynk platform is shown here:
A mockup of InBookMode was originally also conceived for the use in Facilities Management. Though the InBookMode- Edu (Education) will have different requirements than InBookMode-FM (Facilities management), the platform capabilities and interface will still have some similarities. The following is a mock-up video of the InBookMode- FM:
Updated video on Twitter connection:
Updated video on AR integration:
Vishal Singh
School of Engineering, Department of Built Environment
Pilot leader
Saeid Khorsand
Xi Liu
Sunil Suwal