Pilot case

LCA-1009 Talking Art, Design and Architecture

The aim of this pilot is to digitalize 1/3 of the LCA-1009 course to help provide greater flexibility for busy Bachelor ARTS students.
LCA-1009 Talking Art, Design and Architecture

Pilot leader

Tommi Kakko
Maurice Forget


Language Centre


120 students


Autumn 2019 – May 2020


According to student feedback in recent years, there is a definite need to provide more flexibility in the regular Bachelor courses in the ARTS. Students often have trouble attending as much as is required for completing the courses. Offering the students the option of working & learning remotely would reduce their stress and day-time workloads.

Similar to the LCA-1008 project (from Fall 2018), the project should be completed in one semester, Fall 2019. The idea will be to pilot the materials already in Period III (Jan 7 – Feb 22, 2020) and collect student feedback. Based on this feedback, the course materials will be updated and fixed for trial in Period IV and V.

There will be three sessions that will be replaced, representing about 1/3 of the contact teaching in the course. This includes a session with an interactive workshop on Multimodality and PowerPoint slide design; a session on job interviews which features among other activities, mindmapping career interests; and a session which will be shifted to fully online with digital tools for discussion leading.

Platforms and tools

MyCourses, PanOpto, Adobe Premier Pro for video editing, Pro Tools, Animation software, Zoom for online discussions, and a mindmapping tool

Pedagogical methods

  • Flipped classroom
  • Community of Inquiry
  • Blended learning with online discussions

Involved courses

LCA-1009 – Talking Art, Design and Architecture (3 ECTS)


Tommi Kakko
Language Centre
Pilot leader

Maurice Forget
Language Centre
Pilot leader

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