Pilot case

Games Now! Community

Building Games Now! community through streaming, online game jams and student driven development process of the lectures.
An abstract decorative banner image for the games now event series.

Pilot leader

Annakaisa Kultima


School of Arts Design and Architecture


50 students


2019 – 2020


In this project, we run experiments with game-native social platforms, such as Twitch.tv, Itch.io and Discord. The experiments are done as part of the Games Now! lecture series and directed towards building more communal feel for the students within the open learning community including Aalto University students, students at other universities as well as professional at the game industry.

Mainly we will aim for two developmental issues: creating more frequent open online learning community on Games Now! Twitch.tv and Youtube channels and developing the Games Now! Production Team engagement with playful and gamified approach to imitate the social and networked nature of Finnish game development learning communities. Through the student-driven activities of the production team, we will establish stronger interdisciplinary game community at Aalto University.

During the project, we will organize online game jams with accompanying Twitch talk-shows, with a different game experts as our visitors in each jam. Each jam will have a kick-off talk show, where the visitor will present a design constraint for the jam and we will be playing games that show the constraint in effect. The jams will end in a review talk-show, where we will play and discuss the submitted games with the visitor.

Platforms and tools


Pedagogical methods

We run lectures through Twitch streaming service and use Discord for daily engagement for our students.
We also run public game jams utilizing Itch.

Involved courses

DOM-E5089 – Games Now! (3 ECTS)
DOM-5139 – Games Now! Production Team (9 ECTS)


Annakaisa Kultima
School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Medialab
Pilot leader

Ville Kankainen
School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Medialab

Solip Park
School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Medialab


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