The goal of the project is to explore ways to extend the reach of ABE platform by making it possible to participate in co-creation sessions remotely. Since 2013 ABE development has been concentrated on supporting face-to-face communication between a multi-disciplinary group by combining interactive design tools, data visualisation and 3d-models. However, as it’s mainly utilized in research and education of land use and naval architecture projects outside the Capital area, it’s necessary to explore ways to participate in co-creation sessions remotely, which allows for easier and more frequent participation of stakeholders, teachers and students not based on Aalto Campus.
Involved courses
Smart and Livable Cities
Links & Materials
- abe.aalto.fi
- html 5 stream client prototype (showing the latest frame of the stream when offline)
- Presentation Videos
Aija Staffans
School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Architecture
Pilot leader
Antti Kauppi
School of Engineering, Department of Built Environment