Goal of this pilot is to provide small group teaching and continuous assessment with moderate teaching resources on a medium sized course (ca. 100 students) in a PC classroom that provides an Industrial Internet learning environment for automation engineers.
Platforms and tools
Eclipse with 3D Java jMonkeyEngine3
We use OPC UA, which is the German industry’s Industrial Internet communication solution. Students will learn to access digital product descriptions from an OPC UA server.
Pedagogical methods
We use face-to-face teaching of small groups in the PC classroom, to support the students in applying the theoretical material in the PC classrooms learning environment, to provide continuous assessment instead of an exam, and to engage students in regular dialog with the teacher to reflect on their work. The idea is that they will see with their own eyes 3D animated visualizations of their own implementation of the concepts taught on the course and especially of the digital resources that they access through Industrial Internet.
Involved courses
ELEC-C8204 – Automation software projects (5 ECTS)
Links & Materials
Journal article related to early work in building this teaching environment
Video of virtual and physical assembly for the lego tower case study:
Seppo Sierla
School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation
Pilot leader
Matti Yli-Ojanperä